Friday, May 30, 2008

Why this Blog?

I just wanted to start my blog off by telling you why I wanted to do this. (My blog adventure!)

God has been speaking to me lately about mentoring. Through my Pastor, through books I've read and through other mothers. I've never really formally been a 'mentor', but informally, I have helped to mentor many girls, teenagers, newly married, young mom's, women who just entered the ministry, etc. I'm sure we probably all have.

I think as women, we are bonded together and we naturally turn to our friends and family members when we have questions or concerns in our lives. I know I do. And especially in the area of parenting & raising our children. (If baby's only came with instruction manuals!) And, even if you're a man, your more than welcome to read this blog. I guess we could learn a thing or two from you as well! ; )

If you know me, you know I love to talk. I also enjoy creative writing at times. And last week one night, I woke up from my sleep (God often speaks to me in my sleep, I seem to wake-up with the best Ideas! I think it might be because that's the only time I'm quiet enough to actually hear Him!) and I just knew I was to start this blog. I had the title for it, my by-line, and like three pages of subject ideas to blog about.

I'm just so excited about this! And amazed that God would choose this mode of communication for me, since I am not real computer savvy. But I am married to someone who is! (that helps!) And I'm willing to learn. But, this way we can all mentor each other. As you read my blogs, please feel free to leave your comments. I believe we can all learn from each other. And walk together on this journey of Parenting.

Like I said in my by-line, I am not the best mom in the world, I'm not even the best mom that I know. And I know I'm probably not the most qualified to be writing a blog on parenting. But, I love being a mom, and I love helping other moms. My heart for this blog is to Encourage, be Uplifting, help us not take ourselves too seriously, and laugh together at some of the things we go through as moms.

I hope you'll join me on this Journey . . . And, trust me I'll know your not laughing at me, your laughing with me! (well, sometimes I'm sure you'll actually be laughing at me! And that's okay too.)


  1. Star,
    I was excited to read your blog. I am going to be a parent really soon and I am scared to death. What if I do something wrong? All these questions run through your head constantly as I go though my pregnancy. Plus your hormones are a mess and it just makes it all worse. I look foward to reading all your advice and idea's that get posted.

    Thanks again.

  2. What a great idea! Thanks so much for opening us up to the world of the Forbis clan :) I know I'll learn a lot from you because your kids are AWESOME!

    ~ Christyl

  3. Hey Starlet*,

    This is going to be F-U-N, reading about all your escapades and such. You do have a way with words and what a perfect outlet for them all.

    love you tons,

  4. this is sooo awesome, gave me goosebumps, i want to be just like you when I grow up :) I am looking forward to reading more and learning from your blogs, i could use it right now concerning one child in particular..yikes!

  5. I too look forward to reading your blogs - hoping that I'll learn something about parenting myself - ;)

    I am very proud of you babe!

  6. This is very cool.If there's anyone who can help out young parents struggling with their parenting skills that would be you.You're doing a great thing with this blog.By the way.could i get you a diet DR.Pepper?

  7. Wow I am so excited to be part of your blog. I am thrilled to learn from your experience. Thanks for taking this opportunity to share your wisdom and trials with us.


  8. I was just thinking how cool God is to use you in such a fun way. I know I will enjoy laughing with you and learning the lessons God lays on your heart to blog about.

    Love you, Martha

  9. Wow Star! You look so official and famous!! What a great thing this is....thanks for sharing your infinite wisdom and for helping us all to be more high-tech like you!

    Love Ya! Tammy

  10. WOW! What a wonderful idea! It is so amazing to find a pastor's wife willing to open up her personal life to share and mentor as a mother and woman. To bad this was not around when I was raising my kids. I know the Lord will richly bless you and all who partake of this marvelous tool. I greatly value you as a friend, a mom and a woman of God. I look forward to sharing and reading on this wonderful adventure with you. Thank you for stretching yourself and bringing all of us to a new level of learning and communication. Have a powerful week and see ya soon!
    Love ya girl!!

  11. Star,

    What a great idea! I am looking forward to reading your posts!!!

    love love,


  12. Hi Star!

    I am very happy about your blog and I feel with all my heart that you are doing a great service and I know God will use you to reach out and help other mom's!

    Way to go!! ..and I love the then and now pictures. It is hard to believe how fast the kids have grown.

    I can say I know you are a great mom!

    love you......Pat (sister-in-law)

  13. I love this. I think blogging can be such a tool to let others learn about what real Christian women believe. I have seen so many women pour out their hearts and have really been sharing their faith. What a great way for others to learn what we are really thinking. And I've found most of us are keeping it REAL we are not perfect. I too hear God's voice, but mostly in the bath or shower. My peaceful time! LOL
