Friday, June 27, 2008

New York

"Start Spread'n the news . . ." (from the song New York, New York)

Both of my sons are going with their youth group on a missions trip to New York City two weeks from today! And I'm going with them! Yeah Me! I'll be a chaperon, not a student, just in case you were confused. I'm helping to run the dramas we will be doing, among other things.

We will be in Queens and doing things like Sidewalk Sunday School, Outreaches, helping churches do V.B.S., visiting kids with cancer or aids in the hospital, working in a soup kitchen, holding services and many other things. We are so excited. This is Zach's first missions trip, the second one for Kyle. We will visit Times Square Church as well as Brooklyn Tab. How cool is that?

And of course we will have time for seeing the sights. You know I am a Big City Girl through & through, and a city doesn't get much bigger than this! One of my goals in life has always been to see a Broadway play ON BROADWAY. I've seen several both in Detroit and in Phoenix, but never on Broadway. And we just found out that we may get the oportunity to see The Phantom of the Opera while we're there! And since I've always encouraged a love for all things Broadway in my kids, Phantom has always been Kyle's favorite play. So, we are really psyched about this! (okay, Zach, not so much, but the rest of us are!) I'm even willing to give up the money I was hoping to buy a designer knock-off purse in China Town with to see Phantom. And even though I LOVE purses, and you can NEVER have too many, it will be worth it. I'll definitely post pic's from the trip and tell you all about it.

So, as you think of it, say a prayer for our trip. Thanks friends.

1 comment:

  1. Star, I'm so excited for you and the rest of the group to go to New York! I know the Lord will bless you in the mission work, and it will be a life-changing experience for each person going.

    But even beyond the spiritual blessings, being in New York is just so cool! We had the opportunity to spend a day in Manhattan during our travels last year. We saw Ground Zero, Time Square, Central Park, The Rockefeller Center, The Statue of Liberty, rode the subway and city get the idea. Now every time I see one of those places in a movie or they are mentioned in a book, I think, wow I was there...I saw that!
    Have a wonderful time and safe trip. Take lots of pictures!
