Friday, September 26, 2008

Take Your Dad To School Day

Since John has been working 24/7 on The Praise Celebration, he took some time off this week to go with the girls to school. It was "Take Your Dad To School Day!" They were so excited. They talked non stop all week (what else is new?!) and told him all about their teachers and all their friends he would get to meet. He had to divide his time between both classes. He even got to eat in the school cafeteria! A real treat! Spending a day in 5th grade once again probably isn't his favorite way to spend his time, but they all enjoyed it (the girls more so than John, I think) and I think he may have even learned a thing or two. . . Not "Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader?" type of things, but more about pre-teen girls type of things. Welcome to my world! Getting to see your kids among their peers can be very eye opening. And realizing they're not just our kids, but they are at the same time friends, and students, and someones crushes. ouch!

Also on Wednesday, before he went to school with the girls, John actually went to High School with the boys as well. It was national "See You At The Pole" day. When students all around the country gather together at their school's flagpoles to pray for their schools, their teachers, their friends, and the country. At my boys High School there were over 30 students worshiping, and praying together for all to see. As a Youth Pastor, John always went to the schools of some of our students, now as a Dad, it's even greater to get to go with your own kids.

Four Kids, Two Schools, One Day. What a Man!

1 comment:

  1. Take Your Dad to School sounds awesome. I always loved getting into the school just to see the kids and teachers that my kids were talking about.

    Wow, 30 at the pole?

    Mo's high school had 8, and El's middle school had 2. That's counting Mo and El.

    I was just glad they showed up. I think they were too.
