Sunday, September 14, 2008


Today at our Church, we did something totally different and out of the box. Most of our visitor cards that come in say that one of the main things they love about our church is the Worship. And we do have great music at our church! (And I'm not just saying that because my husband is the Worship Pastor and my boys are part of the team, even though they are very talented!) We Rock!

This month we are doing a sermon series on Worship. And today when everyone walked in to the sanctuary, the stage was completely empty. No Drums, no guitars, no keyboards, no microphones, nothing. Yes, we had a service totally about Worship and we had NO music whatsoever! Driving the point home that Worship is not just singing songs and clapping your hands, etc. As John always says "True Worship starts when the music stops." It was different to say the least. Silent and even a little awkward at times, but, it was a service people will not soon forget.

We did talk about, as well, the importance of music and the role it plays in our worship experience. And our service next Sunday will be the total opposite of this weeks. We will have nothing but music! It's our Praise Celebration! A concert. We did one last year, and it was awesome! And this year will be even better. So, needless to say, I haven't gotten to see my husband much this last month or so, since he's been getting ready for this. Buying and renting lights and equipment. Learning and teaching new music. Building sets, hanging lights, having extra rehearsals, dealing with sound issues, etc. He's been at the church almost every day, and every evening.

For those of you who don't attend Mesa First, we would love for you to be our Guest at this year's Praise Celebration. It is Sunday, Sept. 21 at 10:30am. You can wear jeans or whatever you want to, and I can assure you this will not be your typical church service. Hope to see you there.

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