Monday, October 27, 2008

Pastors Appreciation

October is Pastors Appreciation month, and at our church they take up an offering for the pastoral staff, and we are given cards and notes of appreciation and thanks and even gifts. Last Sunday they brought all the Pastors and their families up on stage to Honor us.

What blesses me the most is that they don't forget the pastor's kids. They got to come up on stage too. (They love their time in the spotlight!) And they gave them a gift as well. People don't often realize the sacrifices of the family. Pastor's kids spend way too much of their time at the church. Sometimes they are held to different standards than other kids just because of who their father is. But they are still just kids! They help out and work behind the scenes—a lot. And I love that our church thinks of them too as part of the ministry team.

I just want to say Thank You Mesa First. For honoring and blessing us. We love you.

Our Staff pictured from left to right: Mike Heim, Children's Pastor - Greg & Debbie Petersen, Adult Ministries Pastors - Us (Kyle, Zach, Erica, Alexia), Worship Arts Pastors - Sam & Dana Frederick (Abby & Sidney) Youth Pastors - Jeff & Melissa Kossack (Ethan, Eli, Hannah & Jonah) Lead Pastors.


  1. Oh! That's awesome! So glad the whole family is recognized at your church.

  2. How lovely! :)

    Thanks for visiting on my BAtW day! ;)

  3. Just want you to know that I pray for all our pastors' kids. Knowing first hand the experience of being a PK, I have a soft spot for them.

    I love you and your family. We are so blessed to have you as part of our pastoral team and church family!
