Tuesday, October 14, 2008

SITS Blogathon

I've joined my first Blog group. And it's been so much fun! It's a great way for me to find new Blogs to read, and introduce myself & my Blog to new people. 

It's called "The Secret is in the Sauce" (We all know we need to be a little saucy at times!)  ;)

I want to share a few of the Blogs I've found with you incase you are looking for some new ones to read as well. I always look for things I have in common with the other bloggers, and a sense of Humor. Happy Reading.


  1. Thanks for linking me, SITSta! I look forward to getting to know you better.

  2. Yay, some new ones to look at that I didn't know about

  3. This is my first time being part of a blog-a-thon. I found your blog on SITS site. Lots of cool blogs! Happy Blogging!!

  4. I am not doing a SITS post today as I am celebrating my 100th post. Please stop by and enter my giveaway.

  5. Happy Blogathon Day from one SITSta to another!

  6. Happy Bloggython Day, SITSta! How fun is this? Woo hoo!

  7. Did you join the "silhouette's that blog while sitting on their leopard print ottomans and blog in the nude" blog? They rejected my membership. Lame!
