Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year!

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind
should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and auld lang syne

To answer this question: No! Old acquaintances should not be forgotten. New years is a time to reflect, remember, as well as look to the future. Be thankful for the new . . . New Year, new beginning, new friends and acquaintances. The unknown is exciting! (I am one of the few who actually like change.) Make resolutions if you must to try to better yourself. (eg: get healthy, take a class & learn something new, start a journal, become a better wife, mom, friend, learn a new skill, get organized, etc.) But, as you do, don't forget the past. The people who have been there for you, your family, your friends and acquaintances. We don't have to relive our pasts, but we can certainly learn from them. Grow through them. And help others who are going through something similar to what we went through.

Starting over, or starting anew, doesn't mean we have to completely forget, or walk away from the past. Even the painful parts. Every experience in life helps to make us the person we are. We are always growing, learning, and becoming the person God created us to be, if we allow Him to use the things, the people in our lives to mold and make us the person He wants us to be. But, on the other hand, if we're always looking back, we can't move forward. So, don't be so preoccupied by the past, the people who have hurt you, or the mistakes you've made, that you can't be productive today.

For auld lang syne, my dear
for auld lang syne
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet
for auld lang syne

(Old Lang Syne = Days of long ago)

New Years is a good time to remember, but it's also a great time to look forward, to the future, the new. Happy New Year!


  1. Looking forward with you! Happy New Year!

  2. I LOVE The pink confetti tiara for the New Year! That's what I'm gonna do in the New Year! Where pink tiaras more often!


    Happy, happy, happy New Year 2009, Star! May your New Year be shining, sparkling, and bright! :)

    I wish you magic!


  3. Happy New year Star... No one could have said it any better!! Love this post!! Ü
