Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Joy To The World

Joy To The World
The Lord has come!
Let Earth receive her King

Let every heart
prepare Him room
And Heaven & Nature sing . . .

"Let heaven and nature sing." For those of us who have loved ones celebrating Christmas in heaven, (How Awesome must that be?!) just think, we can all sing together "Joy to the world, The Lord has come!" May He find room prepared for Him in your heart. Remember the greatest Christmas gift ever given was the gift of Jesus, sent to this world as a baby in a manger. To walk among us, and die for our salvation. "Let earth receive her King!"

While reading through the Christmas story, I came across something interesting. After the shepherds came to find the baby, and then went and told anyone who would listen about their encounter, Luke 2:19 says "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." The thought occurred to me, Mary was the very First "Mommy Blogger!" (just a thought!) ; )

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas.
Joy to the world!

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