Sunday, January 4, 2009

And A Bloggy New Year!

Okay, I do not like surprises much. I almost always pick-out my own Christmas Presents. I'll show them to my husband with "wanna see what you bought me?" Then I let him wrap them. Now, I am a very good actress, but on Christmas morning I don't have to act, I'm always genuinely elated to see my gifts. My kids don't usually even know that I knew what all my gifts were when I opened them. I know some people can't imagine this. They want to be surprised by their gifts. And when they've peeked before, it actually ruined Christmas for them to know what they were getting ahead of time. That's not me.

But, this year with me working a second job and not being home all the time. John had some extra time without me around, and he got creative with my gifts. He really put a lot of thought into gifts for me this year. He even surprised me. And I must say, I loved it! And being the Talker/Blogger that I am I now have to tell you about it. . .

He designed for me, and had made, business cards for my Blog. How cool is that?! And he actually went to the Brighton Store (by himself, and he's not a shopper!) and bought me a silver card case that has a Star inside a heart on it, and engraved on it is "Laugh often, Dream big, Reach for the Stars!" Perfect. And on top of that, he purchased my Domain name. (I didn't even know what that meant at first) He printed out and put in a frame "I thought you deserved a better web presence so I purchased the following web address for you:" So now, instead of telling people how to find my Blog by, (hard to remember unless you write it down) it's just, laughing through (easy!)

Wasn't that thoughtful of him? He knows how much I'm loving the whole blogging thing. And I was surprised! So, I guess now I'm a REAL Blogger! (And I have business Cards to prove it!) ;)


  1. And Yes, this is me on Christmas morning (sans Make-up, yikes!) :0 Don't make fun.

  2. You look like every other mom on Christmas!! You looked good ~ no worries!!

    That is an awesome surprise!!! Wow... I have to say he did good!!

    Maybe I should say Congrats... You are now a .com! Ü

  3. Oh my, that's a wonderful gift idea for a blogger! That's great that he gets it. I recently have had my own domain presence, but I'd love to have business cards to give people I meet in RL!

  4. Hey, I reaaaaalllllyyyy DONT like....wait....I reaaaallllyyy HATE surprised, too! You know why? They make me sick! I mean, like I will throw up when surprised! Once I was so surprised on a surprise vacation that my husband surprised us all with, that I got so sick, we had to leave sooner than we could even stay the night at the resort! Bye-bye 13 hundred dollars! :( It was just horrible!

    It is so touching to hear that your husband cares about your blog as much (or maybe even more) than you do. That's really touching. Good for you. :)

  5. Wow what thoughtful gifts! Enjoy!

    Do you mena we're suppose to take down the Christmas stuff? I was hoping to throw a sheet over the tree, so I can be early for next year? :)

    Hi from SITS ;)

  6. I've stopped by to read you before! I had no idea we were Gilbert neighbors! I'll be looking for you when I go in Wal-Mart now! :0)

    I love the gifts! How thoughtful!

  7. What thoughtful gifts! I'm impressed. Affirmation is so wonderful...

  8. Now that's a very thoughtful gift! Kuddos to your hubby!

  9. that is such a wonderful gift! so thoughtful.

  10. What an AWESOME gift Star! Seriously, your husband deserves an award for the creativity of that gift!
