Thursday, February 19, 2009

Good Gift

For our Forbis Family Fun Day Valentines Dinner, the girls got, as part of their little gift some new books. The City Of Ember books, Erica had read the first one in school and then bought the movie with some of her birthday money. The girls loved the movie and have since wanted the books. As an avid reader it does my heart good when my kids ask for books!

So after dinner Lexi runs upstairs to get on the computer. I didn't think anything of it until I got an E-mail from my 11 year old daughter that said:
thank you for the book i realy liked it. I can't wait to finsh this one and read the next.I hope you like your book.

Shortly after dinner this is what my girls looked liked:
I LOVE it when a plan comes together! And anything that gets kids excited to read is a good thing! And yes, I got a new book as well! Happy Valentines Day to me!

"If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will your Father who is in heaven
give good things to those who ask Him!"

(Matt. 7:11)


  1. Oh look! Pink socks! And big hair! Love the hair! And the pink sock! :) :)

  2. Day 2 of the Where’s Wenda? Contest is here. Today, I am visiting all of the SITStas that commented on Hot Chocolate Caramel Mocha. That means you! Thanks so much for stopping by and for being a great SISta! -Wenda

  3. It's great to have kids that love to read! God has blessed me with two great step-kids that love to read, too!
