Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Senior Year - Part 4 (Senior Portraits)

Today I took my Baby Boy to have his Senior Portraits taken. Where has the time gone?! It's hard to believe he is 18 and graduating from high school. I CAN NOT be that old!

I had his portraits taken at Sears Portrait Studio (where else?!) I was planing to take them myself, we have a really nice park for outdoor shots. But, since I worked at the Portrait Studio for Christmas, as a bonus, they gave me a free session, along with 20 sheets of portraits. That's a couple hundred dollars worth of portraits for FREE! How Exciting! So, I chose to use it for Kyle's senior pictures.

We had so much fun. We did some in Black & White, wrote his name & the year on some. He brought a few changes of clothes, and for props, he wanted to bring his entire drum set, but luckily it is all torn apart right now because he is re-finishing it! So he just brought his drum sticks and of course his Long Board! I think senior pictures should show some personality, and not just be so formal.

Here are a few samples of his pictures:


  1. I love the picture. How exciting and scary. He is a wonderful young man and he will definetly go far.

  2. What a handsome young man. My son is a junior in college now. That senior year was tough - I started missing him before he was even gone.

  3. It is amazing how time flys! We went through that Senior stuff last year and will go through it again next year...I want to thank you for stopping by during my SITS spotlight. Please come back anytime. Blessings, Nancy

  4. Hey! Your son is 18?? Hey, I didn't realize you were that much older than I! I still get crushes on 18-year-olds! (ssshhhhh!)


  5. What a handsome young man! I'm interested in the meaning of his tattoo. And I see you have one also! I've always wanted one, but my husband was a youth minister in a relatively conservative church, so I didn't want to create any drama for him. He now works in a different ministry, but I can't make up my mind what I want exactly...
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog on my special SITS day!
