Monday, March 30, 2009

I Think I've Watched Too Many Shirley Temple Movies!

I was looking through some old pictures of my girls and came across these . . . Too Cute!

But, I have to ask myself: what have I turned my Daughters into?

(You gotta love the sailor outfits!)

When I was a little girl people always told me I looked like Shirley Temple. And I loved Shirley Temple movies. My most favorite is The Little Princess (and she doesn't even sing and dance in that one!) Well, I passed on my curly hair and chubby cheeks to my daughters, and when they were little, people told them they looked like Shirley Temple as well. And we've watched many of her movies together.

I remember once we were at an airport and the girls were around 3 or 4 and an elderly woman came up and taped Erica on the shoulder and said "Do you girls know who Shirley Temple is? You look just like her!" And Erica turned around with her poutty lips sticking out, and in her best Shirley Temple voice said "OH, My Goodness!" The woman laughed and said "I see you've been told that before!"


  1. cute were your girls??

    Thanks a bunch for visiting me on my SITS day!

    xoxo The Rambler @ My Rambling Thoughts.

  2. Oh my GOSH! They DO look like Shirley Temple! They do! They do!

    I LOVE Shirley Temple! Totally completely 100 percent! And I think that my soul has curly hair growing on it's head! lol! Curly hair is so spirited, like me, I could have sworn I was born with curls! lol!

    so, so, cute!

  3. Hi.
    I'm stopping by via SITS to say hello.
    I enjoyed reading.

  4. Tee hee...El had curls like those but she HATED it when people mentioned Shirley Temple. I always wished she would play along like your girls did. There is a pretty striking resemblance!

  5. Priceless!! The pics of the girls in the sailor dresses really look like Shirley Temple. And I love the story of the lady in the airport. Great fun!

  6. Check out this youtube channel dedicated to Shirley Temple:
