Wednesday, March 4, 2009

When One Door Closes . . . Another One Opens!

Last Friday was my last day of working in the Church office. I have been dreading the whole job search thing. (Not that I don't love interviews where I get to talk about myself, it's kind of like blogging I guess!) But now-a-days it's all on line applications, you don't even get to meet a real person. And besides working at the Church and Christmas in the portrait studio, I've been totally out of the job market for about 18 years, since that's the age of my oldest child. Scary and overwhelming to say the least.

But on Thursday my neighbor and friend gave me a phone number of someone she knew who was looking to hire someone for a new clothing store. She had told her friend about me and I called her on Friday, she asked if I could come in on Monday to meet her. I did, and I was offered the job and started today! How cool is God to work this all out for me, so I didn't have to do any of the leg work! All my worrying for nothing. God always has a plan.

It's a really cute store, in the same mall Kyle works at. I can tell already that I'm really going to like it. You can check it out at


  1. How wonderful! So glad for you and so glad you shared your blessing!!


  2. That's awesome. I'm hoping for the same phenomena. We're in the process of moving and giving up my job. I hope the Lord opens up a new and better door for me. Anyway, I'm visiting you back from when I was the FB @ sits. It's taking time to visit everyone! :) Hope to see you back in my blog.

  3. I really like that you call God "cool" tee hee hee hee! How cool is that?! :)

    So...I must say...I LOVE reading your stories of how God just plays out everything for you just like that!

    Ain't Jesus just the sweetest thing ever? :)

  4. oh yay!
    I'm SO excited for you!
    God is so good!!

  5. Like they used to say on "The A Team" tv show ... "I love it when a plan comes together." It's so much cooler when God puts the plan together! God worked the networking using your neighbor/ happy for you!

    btw, It snowed here last week and I started singing Christmas songs, then thought of you. =)

  6. Congratulations! Cute clothes too...don't spend your whole paycheck in the store.
