Monday, May 18, 2009

The Gospel According to U2

We just ended a series at our church called The Gospel According to U2! We looked at a U2 song each week and examined the lyrics. As our Pastor said "We're not preaching Bono, we're preaching Bible!" We're just using the songs of U2 as a starting point to open up the Word of God. It was a great outreach to our community, I mean who doesn't like U2, and want to hear their songs?! We advertised it on Easter Sunday, starting the next week. And printed "concert tickets" to hand out as invites.

John and the Praise band covered a U2 song each week.
The song's we used were:

Beautiful Day
Pride (IN the Name of Love)
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
When Love Comes to Town
All Because of You

And they rocked! It was so much fun. That's my 'JohnO'!
(Kyle was playing drums, but you can't see him in the cage)
You can listen to the sermons Here.
I don't think we can publish us doing the songs, due to copyright laws.
But you can always listen to the original versions.

It's always good to look for new and different ways to reach the unchurched.
This is just one idea. I'd love to hear some of what you are doing as well.


  1. I think that's a great idea! Our church does a lot of "non-christian" music to fit certain themes.

  2. It sounds like a wonderful idea! Our church always sponsors a catered "Crawfish Boil" on the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend. The entire community is invited - whether you go to our church or not. We provide the food, the music, and lots of BIG bouncies for the kids. Fun!

    Congrat's on your son graduating tonight. That's BIG!

  3. I wondered how that went. Thanks for the update. It's a fantastic idea.
