Monday, May 25, 2009

Makes My Heart Smile Award

My friend Charity over at Thoughts by Charity gave me an award for making her heart smile! That is so sweet of her. She's a lovely writer and friend, take a look at her poetry sometime. I am thrilled that my Blog makes her heart smile, because her Blog does the same for me.

Rules of this award are as follows:

1)The winner may put the logo on their blog.
2)Put a link to the person who sent you the award.
3)Nominate 10 blogs.
4)Put a link to their blogs.
5)Leave a message for your nominees.

So here goes...I hope all my readers will take a few minuets to check out some of these Blogs that really do make my heart smile.

This award I pass on...

1. Stefanie at Because I Pause. Stefanie is a Pastor's wife, like myself, that I met through the Blogosphere. She has two teenage daughters. She is a funny and honest writer and takes wonderful photographs. And reminds me to Pause and take it all in. I'm glad we've become friends, She makes my heart smile.

2. Nancy at Everyday Blessings. Nancy is a friend in Real life. We've gone to Church together, and our sons are good friends as well. She lives part time here in Arizona and part time in Washington state. She's smart and funny. And we get to keep up with each other through our Blogs. She makes my heart smile.

3. Shane at Revamp. Shane is one of my son's best friends. I love this young man, (I was gonna say kid, but now that he's engaged that doesn't seem appropriate) He interned at our Church, and is now at Phoenix First Assembly of God. He is going places. I'm blessed he is part of my boys' lives. He makes my heart smile.

4. Lyssa at The Taylor Trio. I met Lyssa on Thanksgiving this year. She is married to John's niece's, stepson, and came to our family gathering. She is a newlywed and has a beautiful Baby girl. We hit it off and started talking, and found out that we both Blog. So, now we keep in touch through the Blogs. She was living in California and is now back in Arizona, I'm hoping to see her at Kyle's graduation party! She makes my heart smile.

5. Linda at My Sister's Jar. I met Linda through the Blogosphere. She's a "Real" writer, not just a wanna be like me! :) She lives in Arizona as well and I hope to meet her in real life someday. She's funny and interesting. She makes my heart smile.

6. Kay Kay (or Karen) over at Hopelessly Ordinary. She is one of my Blogosphere friends as well. She's the mother of 3 and has some great ideas. (I try to steal from time to time) She is anything but ordinary and she makes my heart smile.

7. Dori at To Blog of Not to Blog. I met Dori Blogging, and then we realized our Daughters are friends from school! And that her daughter has even been to my house for a birthday party for my girls. Small World! She makes my heart smile.

8. Becky at Slipping Through my Fingers. Another Blogger I've met through our Blogs who I have a lot in common with. She's light and uplifting and makes my heart smile.

9. Emily at Em & The Boys. Is my Manager at work, who hired me and has become my real life friend. She's so sweet and funny. I wish you all could get to know her. She makes my heart smile.

10. And last but not least; John at Johnny on the Blog. My Husband. (Who needs to get back on the Blog!) He has made my heart smile for the last 22 years! :)

Have fun reading, and getting to know some of my favorite Bloggers!


  1. Thanks Star! You are awesome! I'm blessed to have you and your family in my life!

  2. Thank you for those very kind words, Star. :) I'm touched. :)

    MMmmmwwwwaaaaaahhh!!!!! :))

    Firends foreveeeerrrrrrrah.... :))

  3. Thank you Star! I'm so excited - your blog makes my heart smile, too!

  4. Thanks Star! You make my heart smile too, and you often cause belly laughs around here too!

  5. That was so nice of you! I'm currently drugged from out-patient surgery, but when I'm BACK I'll figure this out and do it too. The surgery was to remove fatty tissue lipomas that were obviously lost in my neck, and couldn't find my backside. :o)

    BTW, your son's 09 hairy chest made me burst out laughing. Too funny.

  6. Thanks for the award. I'm so lucky to have found christian women who not only make me smile but have so many teachable moments.

  7. Thank you Star. I love keeping up with you through your blog. I will do the award when I get back to WA -- always more time to blog when up there.
