Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Senior Year - Part 6 (Announcements/Invitations)

The Formal Announcement:

You order the announcements through your school. They are nice, but, we didn't order a ton of these, just enough for family and out of state friends. (the people who will actually save them more likely!)

The Open House Invitation:

Then, because John loves graphic design, he created our invitations to the graduation party. Using some of Kyle's Senior pictures! Cute, huh?! These we will give to all our Church family, and Kyle can hand them out to the Youth group and school friends, etc.

That's what we did.
Now, consider yourself invited! : ) 
Hope to see you all there!


  1. Aawwww...that is so adorable, Star...but don't tell your son that...he might want to hear "cool" or "wicked" instead... hee hee! I know my son does! ha ha ha!

  2. It was nice meeting you. I haven't been to blog land too much lately. My small group said I need to be in the real world and make friends in real life. LOL (I like the graphic designed invites better than the stuffy senior invites that haven't changed in 20 years, good for your son!! Congrats.
