Monday, July 20, 2009

Oh, A Camping We Will Go

I grew up camping as a girl. I loved it. My dad was all about it. He had all the equipment and all the know how. I (as usual) took total advantage of that. When I was a teenager, He would hang a hammock for me, and I read a good book while he set up the rest of camp. That's what I'm talking about!

John also grew up camping with his family. But as adults now, we don't really go for the camping thing. Our favorite vacations are in hotels, at Disneyland and the Beach. Or discovering a new City! Even though he grew up in a small town, I have converted him to my way of life. We are most definitely city folk!

Well, some friends of ours from Church talked us into going camping with them. Bribery really does work. And we survived! We even had a good time. My girly girls learned how to handle a knife and whittle! Zach chopped down a tree. And Kyle became the official fire starter. (Dangerous I know!) We rode quads and got all kinds of dirty!

Whittlers Row!

It's a Lumber Zach!

Poor tree, didn't stand a chance.

Lexi & Maddie turning the log into a balance beam,
before it can become fire wood!

Machete Mayhem!

A good friend of mine told me "'A family that camps together, stays together!' probably because there is nothing harder you could do together." Someone else told me 'camping is spending a lot of money to live poorly!'

Erica showing off her "ringer" in horse shoes!

Girls Gone Wild!

This weekend brought back a lot of great childhood memories for me and for my boys, who remember camping with Grandpa too. He would have been so proud of us. . . the boys got to use their knifes and even machete's. The girls went on their first ever "Snipe Hunt!" :)

His Mother should have taught him not to play with fire!
Oh well, I think it's too late now!

Good Friends, Good Fun, Good Memories!


  1. Star, This looks like great fun! We love camping too. Where did you guys go? It looks like Pine Top.
    ~ Linda

  2. Stopping by from SITS.

    Looks like you guys had a great time camping. We just camped last week & it was really fun, but hot. :D

  3. Stopping by from SITS....

    Looks like fun for all. Was there samores?

    Hope your day has been beautiful

  4. That looks like so much fun! Although I just HAVE to add...every single time I hear/read/see/ anything about camping, I remember this line from this movie I saw when I was a kid... it goes like this..."I never understand why you white people want to leave your nice beds and go sleep out on the ground!" hahahahahahahaha!

    love! :)

  5. heyyyy its tori i love your blog its very cool and interesting good luck at shade !!!!

    love tori
