Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Yes, It is time once again for Thankful Thursday on the Blog.
I've covered Work, and Love.

Today (And almost Everyday!) :) I am Thankful for my Kids.

I have Four really Great Kids!
Kyle, a party waiting to happen. He's always been a fun kid.
But, also so loving and caring.

Zach, the Thinker. Is smart & Talented.

Erica, is the Princess, (at least in her own mind!)
She loves to read, just like her mom.

Alexia, party girl. A social butterfly.

Even though it is the hardest job there is. I love being a Mom.
My kids mean everything to me.
I am eternally grateful they have come into my life.
God blessed me abundantly when He gave me my Children.


  1. The first picture you posted is so good - the kids all have such sweet expressions. Love your Thankful Thursday posts.

  2. Your children are so adorable, Star! And those are VERY artistic photo shoots you have there! :)

    I've always wanted to sit in one of those square things and take photos upside-down and turning around and all those kinds of stuff! hahhahaha!
