Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
2009 has certainly been a year of highs & lows for the Forbis clan.

Our oldest son Kyle Graduated from High School!
And has just finished his first semester of Bible College.
He wants to become a Youth Pastor some day.
He has had the same girlfriend, Olivia, for almost 2 years now.
That's a record for him!
Yes, my baby boy will turn 20 years old this next year!
How can that be possible?!

Zach just turned 18.
He will Graduate from High School this year!
We will have two out of school, it's hard to imagine.
Zach is enjoying his Senior year.
Getting straight A's.
Playing Guitar in Jazz Band, and singing in the top Choirs.
He wants to become a Music Pastor like his father.

My twin baby girls are now 12 years old!
They are in 6th grade,
that means next year is Jr. High! Ouch.
They are truly Pre-teens,
concentrating on their friends & fashion.
Lexi loves playing the Flute in the school band,
and Erica plays the French horn & is our little song bird.

I went back to work this year.
After being a stay at home mom for 18+ years.
I took a part time job in retail,
and just 3 or 4 months later I found myself managing the store.
So now I'm working full time and I really love my job.

John was just recently laid off from his job.
And has been searching for a new position.
We started at this Church the summer before my girls started Kindergarten.
We'd seen it thrive and grow, as John grew in his ability to lead others in Worship.
Please keep us in your prayers as we look for Gods will for our lives,
and figure out the next step on our Journey.
And I must say it's been kind of nice having him home more.
I get off work, and dinner is already cooking!

A girl could get used to that!

From our Family to yours:
Merry Christmas & may you be blessed in the New Year!

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