Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Family That Plays Together . . .

Every year, my brothers & I take turns planning the Fink Family Christmas.
This year was my brothers Danny turn.
There are too many of us to really hold the entire thing in someones house,
so he rented out this place that has all these blow up slides & bounce houses.
We all had to come dressed in Sports shirts, each family wore a different team.

Since I'm not really a sports T-shirt wearing kinda girl,
We wore The Oakland A's, since Kyle worked for them last Spring Training
and had enough for us all to wear.
(Left to Right: Kyle, Zach, Erica, Lexi, me & John)

My oldest brother, John & his wife Carla, live in Tucson, and wore the University of Arizona!

Danny & his family wore the Red Wings!
They were all born in Michigan!
(Left to Right: Sarah holding her son Avery, Danny, Judy, D.J & Andrea)

Marty & his family wore The Phoenix Suns.
(Left to Right: Josh, Debbie, Nathaniel, Rachel & Marty)

My little brother Richard & his wife & daughter wore Arizona State University.
His son & daughter in law (with baby on the way) wore Miami Dolphins.
(Left to Right: Justin, Stephanie, Alarie, Cindy & Richard)

My Niece Stormy & her daughter Morgan are in Dallas Cowboys,
(the rest of her family was too, they are just not in the picture)

My Mom, in the middle, who is responsible for all of us! :)

Zach & John racing through the obstacle course.
I have a lot more pictures, but the majority of them are of feet & hands in the air, and even some behinds! Trying to catch people in the middle of a slide or jump is tough!
(not to mention not very flattering!) :)

Danny playing with his grandson Avery!

Erica catching her breath.

Lexi pausing just long enough to have her picture taken.

Some of us after running, jumping, climbing, sliding, racing, battling, etc.
And trust me, some of us felt it the next day!
Oh to be young again, and have the energy of a teenager!

My brothers & I!
The only way Richard the youngest, can be the tallest!
We are 5 of 7 kids, my sister Debbie, is in heaven, and we have another brother, George who lives in Ohio, who couldn't be here. We miss you George.

After "Jump Street" we went to a park to cook out & play some more!
One of the many benefits of living in Arizona!

All the Grandkids & Great Grandkids that were there.
Back row, Left to Right: Josh, Zach, Lexi, Rachel, Erica, Nathaniel, Sarah & Avery, Stormy, Morgan & her daughter Gabriella, Justin & Stephanie, D.J., Nick
Front row: Kyle & Alarie

The Family That Plays Together, Stays Together!


  1. Visiting from SITS and what a great idea to wear fave team jerseys/Tees. Looks like you were having lots of fun. Visit me if you'd like; I love to have you
    Have an awesome week!

  2. Hi stopping by from SITS! I love the theme and fun of your family get-together :) What a great idea!

  3. You have a great looking family. Looks like you all had fun. The bouncy room looks awesome.

    Stopping by from SITS

  4. Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day! I LOVED all the comment love and now I'm here to spread it around!

    That is a FANTASTIC tradition, I love it!
