Monday, February 8, 2010

And The Winner is . . .

Tonight was the first meeting of the Book Club! We had 11 women come, ready to read together & build relationships together. I'm so excited! I love to read good books, and I love getting to know people. And that's what this is all about.
I had set the first meeting to be at Wildflower Bread Company. And last week sometime I got an E-mail from them thanking me for choosing to host my upcoming book club at their place. They monitor all the various social networking sites & had come across my blog post. They wished me luck with the book club and said they would like to provide me with a complimentary dessert tray to kick things off. Wow! I was so impressed. How nice of them. I E-mailed them back thanking them in advance. And tonight I introduced myself to the manager when I got there, and she had a tray all ready for me. And It was yummy! I highly recommend The Wildflower Bread Company to any one hosting a meeting or gathering. And Thank you so much Wildflower, we will definitely be back!

I had a contest here on the Blog to help name the Book Club. And at the Super Bowl Party I was at last night I had some Family & Friends look them over & vote for the name they liked the best. And I thought it was interesting that not knowing that this is a Life Group out of LifeChurch, the name that got the most votes, had Life in it. The winning name, and the Name of the Book Club is "Life on The Same Page" And the person who submitted it was Michele. Michele, contact me and I will get you your prize! Thanks to everyone who entered, and came up with some really creative names, both here and on Facebook. And Paige, your Cover to Cover came in second place!

The first book that we will be reading is The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. "The tale of one Motherless daughter's discovery of what family really means-and of the strange and wondrous places we find Love." "A remarkable novel about divine female power, a story that women will share and pass on to their daughters for years to come." And you know me, I'm all about Girl Power! :) I've been wanting to read this book since I saw it some time ago on Oprah. It was made into a movie as well. And I will be watching it too! And Michele, as the winner of our contest, I have a copy of it for you. Congratulations!

If you'd like to read along with us, pick up the book and dive in! We will meet the second Monday of March to discuss this book, and announce the next one we will be reading. And the way we've set this club up, is that if you know you are super busy one month, and won't have time for reading, that's okay. If the next month's book interest you, you can join in then. We don't want this to be a hardship that takes away from the other aspects of your life. We all have lives, careers, or children, that demand our attention. We don't need one more thing that could be draining on us. We want this to be a time of yes, reading good books that enrich our lives, but also of building relationships with other women, of all ages, and backgrounds and grow together.

Come and live Life On The Same Page with some great women. And Happy Reading!


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog on my SITS Day. When you mentioned that you started a book club, I just had to come on over and hear all about it. Love the name of the club. What a great idea to have a contest. How sweet of Wildflower to offer you a dessert tray. Sounds like a keeper location. Great first book choice as well. Good luck with your new venture, sounds like you are off to a great start.

  2. I'm so happy! :0
    Enjoyed the book!
    Thanks! :)
