Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Best Medicine

At my Brother in Laws viewing last month, I got to see an old friend I hadn't seen in way too long. We grew up in Church together, and she was one of my best friends through my teen years. We had a lot of good times together, and she could always make me laugh, and you know how I love to laugh! (If you have any doubt, check out the name of my Blog!) :)

Well, come to find out she is a professional Stand-up comedian now. And last night John & I, and some friends went to see her perform at a club in Scottsdale. The Comedy Spot. It's always good to laugh, and we did, a lot. Date night is always fun, but it was great to do something different, like going to a comedy club. What fun things do you do on your date nights?

You can check out her web site here. And if you live anywhere in the Phoenix area, go check her out sometime & tell her Star sent you!
And have a good laugh on me. After all, they say:
Laughter is the Best Medicine!

My Friend Andrea, (otherwise known as A.J. The Comedian) & I!

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