Friday, February 19, 2010

The Weaker Sex

I had to have my blood drawn & some tests ran today. There was a young guy in front of me at the lab who was having what they called a Boxing Panel done. Apparently he fights with Rage In The Cage & they have to be tested for HIV, and some other things before they can fight publicly. He asked "your only gonna stick me one time right?" (That should have been my first clue) They took him back, & a few minutes latter the nurse came out to get a glass of water. A few minutes after that we hear him getting sick in the back. We tried not to laugh.

There was also a pregnant woman waiting to have her blood drawn yet again, having the glucose test for Gestational Diabetes. (Which I had when I was pregnant with my girls, the stuff you have to drink for that test will make you get sick!) We giggled about the tough guy not being able to take a needle.

When it was my turn to go back, the nurse told me they hadn't even gotten any blood out of him yet, and he'd gotten sick. His friends waiting for him all had a good laugh at his expense as well. She said it's always the men, that can't take it! We women know who the weaker sex really is. I tweeted as I left the lab about who's tougher, the fighter? I don't think so, just little ole me! The Mom! Hmmmm, Maybe I should look into Rage In The Cage!


  1. Stopping by from SITS and wishing you a great week!

  2. Isn't that the truth. Sometimes women can prove to be the stronger of the two sexes:) Following from SITS!

  3. Stopping by from SITS this morning...Loved your story...tough guys aren't so tough huh?

  4. After my wife went through a 16 hour labour with absolutely no pain relief, I'm quite happy to admit that men are the weaker sex, there is no way I could have handled what she went through. You ladies rock!!

  5. Hello Miss Shining Star! men are secretly little boys when it comes to doctors...thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving comments on my SITS day!
