Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Honey & Windex

Now I know with this title you're thinking this Blog post is about cleaning, or some how to idea, but come on now, this is me we're talking about here! Think about it! No it's about a book . . .
Last night was the Life On The Same Page Book Club meeting. It was so much fun! We had all read the book, The Secret Life Of Bees. Some of us loved the book. :) Some didn't. :( And I loved hearing the different perspectives & being made to look at something from someone else's view point.

We talked and laughed. Some of the women shared stories from their own lives that made them really connect with certain characters in the book. I just love being part of this group of amazing women. We range in age from about 16 to about 50. And together we talked about the issues of Race & equality. Forgiveness & bitterness. I would really recommend this book, if you haven't read it. It's a griping story, but also makes you think & rethink some things.

And to top it all off we solved ALL the problems in the world! That's right, in the book where one of the women raises Bees, they use Honey to heal whatever ails you. Sore throat, upset tummy, aging. You name it, it cures it! And one of the women, (see Ruth, I didn't mention your name!) :) brought up that it reminded her of My Big Fat Greek Wedding, where the father used Windex to heal all wounds, or ailments. So, the 12 of us intelligent, savvy women came to the conclusion that all you need in this world is Honey & Windex! And you are very welcome for that little tidbit of information.

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