Monday, June 21, 2010

Is It Me? Or Is It Just Me?

I just finished reading the book Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah for our Book Club. And I must say it was like a look into the past. (Literally & Figuratively!) It is about 2 girls who become friends in Jr. High School in the 70's. I was in Jr. High school in the 70's. One of these girls mentions having a Mrs. Beasley Doll. I had a Mrs. Beasley Doll! Remember that old T.V. show Family Affair, about the single dad & the kids named Buffy & Jody?! Buffy's favorite doll she carried with her at all times was Mrs. Beasley! Well that all hooked me right away. A girl loves her dolls!

(The Family Affair cast, including the Mrs. Beasley Doll)

It goes through the friendship of these two girls/women through many decades. The 70's, the 80's, the 90's, & into the present. The music of the times, the events that happened. I loved that part of the book. And I couldn't over look some other similarities to myself I found. Although she is a few years older than me, one of the girls gets married in 1987. I got married in 1987! She ends up having her first child in 1990. I too became a mother for the first time in 1990! Then she goes on to have twins in about 1997. (I'm not kidding!) I had twins in 1997! Do I have a stalker out there?

Then this past Sunday morning in Church we were watching a message by Pastor Ray Johnston from Bayside Church in Roseville, Ca. He opens with an introduction to himself. And he tells about his wife & how they had two sons, and then thought they were done having children, when they found out they were expecting again & that they were having twin girls! Pretty much everyone who knows me turned to look at me. That is our story exactly! Friends came up to me after church telling me how unusual that was, that someone else had our same story. (I didn't even tell them about this book I was reading!) What is going on here?

They say we all have a twin out there somewhere. Maybe it's not just someone that looks like us, but someone with a similar story to ours. Still I believe we are all unique. And that there really isn't anyone just quite like us! Though with these two experiences in my own life, I'm starting to question that theory! Is it me? Or is it just me?


  1. Pretty cool happenings!

    I like the cover of the book, and the story sounds like a nice read...thanks for sharing!

  2. I loved that book. Have you read True Colors yet??? SO good :)
