Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Our Twilight Adventure

Even though I haven't let my girls read the Twilight Books yet, though it is not from a lack of trying (or begging) on their part, I just think they should wait until they are a little bit older! They love the Movies. And when New Moon came out last fall, they really wanted to go to the midnight premier, but it was a school night, so we went the next day after school to see it instead. But, I told them since Eclipse came out in the summer, maybe we could go to that one.

Just a portion of the line!
Well to them of course, that is like signing a contract in blood! They've talked about it for months & months! So, the day the tickets went on sale, I purchased them. For us & their BFF Maddie, who we introduced to the whole Twilight saga when she spent the night once, and watched the first movie, then her mom allowed us to take her to see New Moon. So, it was only fitting that she go with us to this premier too!

This, of course, is how I spent part of my time waiting in line!
Though their is a problem here, you see Maddie is Team Edward, and we are Team Jacob all the way! A friendly rivalry! And some other friends of ours from Church came with us as well, our Youth Pastor's wife Dana, & our friends Angel, Kaylin & Lindsey, all Twihards as well!

Erica & Maddie passing time playing cards!
The girls were so excited to go to their first ever midnight movie! (My girls will turn 13 years old in just three and a half short months! YIKES! And their friend Maddie is 12 as well!) They all had countdowns going on of how many days & hours until Eclipse! Talk about a total Eclipse of the heart! They could hardly talk about anything else! And for preteens, that is saying something!

The girls met some new friends in line,
& starting playing some games together!
They made me buy Eclipse brand chewing gum, and then we had to save it for the big day! :) My friend Tammy (Maddie's Mom, who is a misguided soul, & not a twilight fan! If you can believe it?!) ordered them Eclipse tee shirts on line for them to wear to the premiere! They baked cookies for us to have while we waited in line. I mean this was intense!

Lexi, Maddie & Erica, in their Eclipse Tees!
So yesterday we got to the Theater around 6:45pm. (Remember the movie doesn't start until midnight!) And of course there was a long line already, wrapping around the building! And this is Arizona, the temperature outside here yesterday was 108°, but that didn't stop us, or hundreds of other people for that matter! We did bring water bottles with us of course.

Lexi showing off her "I run with wolves!" Bag.
And I must tell you, my girls who can't stand in line to order at a fast food joint without complaining, never once said they were hot or tired and I'm not joking! They talked, played card games, texted of course, told me what to Tweet about our adventure! :) If you'd like to read all my Tweets from the night, you can here! We had so much fun!

Our group of Twihards:
(Lft. to Rt.) Lindsay, Maddie, Me, Dana, Angel,
Kaylin down front, Erica & Lexi on top!
And let me tell you, if you are a people watcher, this was the place to be! There were all kinds of fanatics out there. The guy right behind us in line had red contacts in his eyes & vampire fangs. And he was so nice to allow me to take his picture for the Blog! I saw a woman wearing a Tee shirt that said "Cougar for Cullen" on it. :0 A very pregnant woman with "Renesmee" written on her belly! It was all quite entertaining!

Our Vampire friend & line buddy!
And the movie was so good! The girls loved it too! I know this was a day they will remember for a long time! I think I was even considered a cool mom, at least until I don't allow them to do something they really want to anyway! By then I'm sure they will have forgotten all about this! But thankfully I have pictures! :)

Almost show time!

It was all fun & games until I had to get up the next morning after only getting five hours of sleep, to open the store! Did I mention I'm a person who loves my sleep & needs a lot of it?! I hope I didn't scare any customers, or answer their questions wrong, but to be honest, I couldn't even remember! I went right to bed when we got home, but the three girls actually stayed up & watched another movie! Oh to be young again!

This is how I left the girls, when I went to work the next morning!
Dead to the world!
But, I have to say it was so worth it! We had so much fun! My baby girls' very first midnight movie premier! They are really growing up too fast! And it's my evil plan to try my hardest to stay as close and as connected to them as possible. And no matter what else you might think about the Twilight Saga, one thing it is great at doing, is bringing Mothers & Daughters together! Cheering on their favorite Werewolf or Vampire! All in good fun!


  1. That was definitely a fun and very memorable night! I was so happy to get to share in the experience with you and your girls! Looking forward to a repeat with "Breaking Dawn"!

  2. what a fun experience!

    when my girlfriends and i decided to go to new moon, the theater was filled with school aged kids. i'm guessing school attendance was pretty low the next day.

    we all went to eclipse this year and we plan on being there for the next 2 movies, too!
