Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Senior Year II - Celebrating your Graduate!

I love throwing a great party! And I love Celebrating my kids! And Graduation is a great time to do both! I try to keep it simple in planning, and with the decor & the food, and keep the focus on the student! In this case my son, Zach:

Zach hamming it up with his Cake!

I put together picture boards, with lots of fun pictures from throughout my sons life! Back when Zach was so cute with his little bowl hair cut! That people love to tease him about now! :) I had even printed some extras of his Senior Pictures for people to take. I set out some awards he's received in academics, sports, band, choir, etc. Including a certificate for when he was Student of the Month in Kindergarten! :)

Honoring the Graduate!

I even used his pictures for the center pieces on all the tables! I just laid out a few, along with his name cards from his Graduation Invitations, and then had either a little plastic Graduation Cap, or a balloon holder thingy (That it's technical name, I'm sure!) as seen here, below:

Just one of the 9 round tables we had set up
that seat up to 8 guests each!

We held Zach's party at our Church Office Building. John & I both have pretty big families & being on staff at a Church, we had a lot of people to invite! And we could never have fit them all into our house! This way Zach could invite all his friends from school as well. We did it Open House style, where people could just come & go.

If a picture is worth a thousand words,
then this table is a big talker!

My Husband, John had the brilliant idea of doing his Graduation Party Invitation via Facebook! He created the Invite and that way Zach could send it out to all his friends. Between the three of us, that Facebook Event Invitation went out to over 500 of our Facebook family & friends! And we didn't have to use a single stamp! :)

Zach hanging out with a few of his friends at the party!

We had Zach put together a "Play List" of songs he liked, that we had playing throughout the entire party! And for food, we just did finger food that are easy to eat, Vegetable & Fruit trays, Chips with dips & salsa, Cheese & Crackers, Cookies & of course a huge cake! We got ours from Sams Club, they taste great & are reasonably priced! And for fun we had a room set up with a Ping Pong Table people could play.

Turn out the Lights, the Party's over! :(

Whats so sad to me, is that this is my last Senior Year Blog Post for a long time! Last year my oldest son, Kyle, Graduated from High School, and this year my second son, Zach did. I have Blogged through out both their Senior Years, all the highs & hi-jinks! (If you'd like to read back through them, just click on the word School in my list of Labels on the right.) Now my boys are in College and my girls will be heading off to Jr. High school! It's a big scary world out there for a Mom like me! I sure hope I survive it all!

Our 2009 Graduate: Kyle

And the 2010 Graduate: Zach

And yes, since my boys are only a year a part in school, (as you can tell from the above two pictures) I saved a lot of the decorations from last years party, and just added to them for this years! After all I knew the theme would be Graduation! :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a very succesful party. My oldest daughter graduated from HS this year as well and we had a very similar party for her. Great minds think alike!

    It's hard to believe that they will be going off to college in one short month. Where did the time go?
