Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Let The Magic Begin!

I was offered a job today! At Macy's Department Store! Right here in my same mall, San Tan Village. I start training tomorrow! It's in the Department that sells their High-End Jeans, among other things. I didn't mention in my Interview that the last pair of Jeans I bought I paid a whopping $7.00 for, as opposed to their $200.00 ones! Don't rat me out on that one! :)

I'm excited to become part of the team! It is a full time position! With Benefits! Yay! Finally! Their logo is a STAR, how could I go wrong?! And I will also get the chance to work in other departments as well, and in my world of course, that means HANDBAGS! :)

I'm so Thankful for this opportunity. To God for providing me with a job. And to all of you who Prayed for me & encouraged me during the time of this long process & the long road of job hunting. And who knows maybe someday I'll even end up here . . .


  1. Congratulations! An exciting time!

  2. Congrats Star!! Sounds like all the stars lined up perfectly for this one! ;-) (corny, I know but it still made me chuckle)

    Seriously, I am excited for you!!

  3. Congratulations!! Best of luck in your new job.
