Sunday, November 7, 2010

It's Kind Of A Funny Story

Today we went to see the movie It's Kind of a funny story. And I kind of really liked it. When I saw the preview awhile ago, I thought then that I'd like to see it. It's been out now for awhile, but, I've been working a lot, so today was the day. And I'm glad I saw it.

Come to find out It's based on a book. (Aren't all the good movies?!) Which makes one more I have to add to my long "to Read" list! It's about a 16 year old boy who is dealing with depression & has thoughts of suicide. So, he talks himself into a psych ward at a hospital where he meets a lot of characters. (pun intended!) :) It's just a really sweet & touching story of how he affects the lives of those around him & as a result his own.

I also wanted to see this movie because Lauren Graham is in it! One of my favorite actresses from my two favorite T.V. shows: Gilmore Girls & Parenthood! And of course she was wonderful as the main characters mom.

And Emma Roberts, from one of my favorite movies: Nancy Drew, was in it too. She played a young girl in the hospital for depression & for cutting herself. I thought she portrayed the character with honesty & vulnerability. And became the love interest of the main character. And my girls loved the T-shirt she wore in this scene. Where can I get one for them?! :)

Okay, It's not life changing, but you leave this movie just feeling good about life! So, I leave you with a couple of quotes I took away from It's Kind Of A Funny Story . . .

"You're cool. You're smart. You're talented.
You have a family that loves you.
You know what I would do just to be you for just a day?
I would do so much.
I would, I don't know,
I'd just. . . LIVE.
Like it meant something."

"Skip, I know it's lame, but I do it anyway!"

We should all skip a little more often!
And live like it means something! Because it does.

1 comment:

  1. I'm an emma roberts fan myself, hopefully ican see it before HBO...thanx for the review
