Sunday, November 14, 2010


I had the day off yesterday, that is kinda rare being that it was a Saturday and the fact that I work in retail, with the Holiday's fast approaching! So we wanted to do something fun & different. And we did.

I had heard on the radio that The Festival of Greece (the Country, not the Movie! Though you know, I would have loved that too!) :) was being held in Scottsdale. So we decided to go. We go every year to the Hula Festival, but have never really been to any others.

Some young Greek Dancers

I love celebrating & learning about other Cultures and Country's. They have live music, story telling and dancing throughout the day, a lot of kid friendly activities too, though my kids are too big for that now. Sad.

Lexi & Erica posing with the Greek Statues

And Greek food is my favorite food! We all love it. Studies show the healthiest diet in the world is the Mediterranean Diet. Bonus. We ate Gyros and Baklava! Yum. Kyle wanted to go to the first aid station & tell them he hurt his elbow, to see if they would just pull out a bottle of Windex & spray him with it! (My Big Fat Greek Wedding) :)

Olivia & Kyle

They have booths with Food, Drinks, Artwork, Handmade Crafts, Jewelery, Clothes, Books, etc. John got some homemade flavored Pastas, his favorite thing to cook. The girls & I each picked out some beautiful handcrafted earrings!

Our goodies

The weather was Beautiful here in Arizona. It was a great way to spend my day off. And a fun & different "Forbis Family Fun Day!" I've always wanted to go to Greece! Now, more than ever!



  1. How fun! Both the unexpected day off and a chance to do something different! Start that Greece change jar :)

  2. Star you are bringing back some wonderful memories for me. When I lived in PHoenix, we went tot he Greek festival held in Phoenix at the Orthodox church every year. We LOVE Greek food, too and always enjoyed watching the traditional dancing. I'm so glad you had fun. I wish I could have been there!
