Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The 12 Days Of Christmas Movies: The Family Stone

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas spent with Family & Friends. We're winding down The 12 Days Of Christmas Movies series, but it's not too late to find & watch some great Holiday movies. Like this next one The Family Stone.

This one is a newer film that's a lot of fun! But, if like me, you have spent any Christmases with someone you love, knowing this could possibly be their last Christmas with you, then had subsequent Christmases without the ones you've lost, then you will find the deeper meaning to this movie.

In this movie, the Mother of this fun (if not wild) family is loosing her battle with Cancer. One of the sons brings home his girlfriend he is planning on purposing to, who is uptight & does not fit in at all. None of the family like her. His brother tells her "You have a freak flag. You just don't fly it." :) She brings in her sister for reinforcement & chaos ensues.

"I'm just as good as any of you!"
"Maybe better."
"What's so great about you guys?"
"Oh nothing! It's just that we're all that we've got."

On Christmas morning we got up, came down stairs, the kids saw what Santa had brought them, we opened our stockings, like we've done every Christmas morning. Then one of my girls pulls out a small present & said "Mom this is a special present, open this one first." The tag on this gift (in my son Kyle's hand writing) said "To my little sis, Star From your big sis Debbie" and inside was a cute little ornament that lights up & said sister on it.

Those of you who know me, know my one & only sister, Debbie, passed away several years ago. And I still miss her.

Every year, knowing how much I loved Christmas, she would give me an ornament. And even now, every year when we put up our tree, as we pull out the ornaments, we remember & talk about her. Her husband Tom, after she passed away, gave me ornaments that were hers as well. He went to be with her in Heaven this past year. Here are just a few of the ornaments she gave me over the years . . .

As you can see, this one is from 1989.

I guess Kyle saw the sister ornament in a store & wanted to continue the tradition in her memory. :) It was very sweet.

This one is a red heart
but when you open it you see a scene of a family decorating their tree.
It's one of our favorites that Debbie gave me.

With my Birthday being Christmas day,
she thought I needed a Birthday ornament for my tree!
I love it!

We also lost my dad a couple years after loosing Debbie. He loved Christmas too. And always told me I was the best Christmas present he ever received. Even if my brothers never forgave me for interrupting their Christmas morning by being born. :)

Dad & Mom with Santa!

On Christmas day this year, we were blessed to have my Mom over to Celebrate with us. We all love being with family. Hope you had precious time with your family this Holiday season.

Me & Mom!

The kids with Grandma!
Left to right: Erica, Zach, Mom, Kyle & Lexi

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