Saturday, December 11, 2010

The 12 Days Of Christmas Movies: The Nativity Story

We're half way through The 12 Days of Christmas Movies! We go from an animated story of a child with his Blanket telling the true meaning of Christmas, to a real life depiction of the events themselves! The Nativity Story.

It brings to life what it may have been like to actually live through the birth of Jesus. Mary a peasant teenager & Joseph the man she is engaged to find out they are chosen to be the parents of the Savior of the World. Wow! It's very well done. It's lovely, and moving, and yes, it's even quite funny! :)
Joseph: An angel came to me. He told me the child within you had been conceived by the Holy Spirit and that I should not be afraid.
Mary: Are you afraid?
Joseph: Yes.
Joseph: Are you?
Mary: Yes. Do you ever wonder when we'll know?
Joseph: Know what?
Mary: When he is more than just a child.
Will it be something he says? A look in his eyes?
Joseph: I wonder if I will even be able to teach him anything.

I have a beautiful Porcelain Nativity set my Mother-in-Law gave to me. And my Father-in-Law made the wooden stable for it! I Love it. But when my kids were little, they loved to reenact the story! They would bang the pieces together, scaring me to death that they were going to break it! So I got smart. I bought them their own manger scene that is unbreakable, that they can put up & retell the story as many times as they want to!

And over the years, as you can see, the Baby Jesus has had many visitors
including Mickey & Minnie Mouse,
a Cabbage Patch Angel,
Santa & Frosty! :)

I even have a tiny Nativity that goes on our Tree!

When my Mom moved out of her house after my Dad passed away
she gave me a little Amish Nativity she had.
It is so cute and sits in my Kitchen Window.

And one of my favorite "Manger scenes" is one my Aunt Bert made for me,
It shows Santa Clause kneeling before the Baby Jesus.

Do you put a manger scene up in your house? I would love to hear about your favorite Nativities, weather they are from your childhood or your adulthood! Put a link to a picture to share with all of us! :) I also have a few real life favorites: We were in a Church plant when my girls were little, and the preschoolers acted out the Manger scene during the Children's Christmas play. Well this year we had NO little boys in our Church at the time so my two girls had to play Mary AND Joseph! Now I've heard of married couples starting to look alike, but this is ridiculous! :)

Lexi as Joseph (in Brown)
and Erica as Mary.

And then a couple of years later they were the Angels . . .

1 comment:

  1. Both of my Boys also played Baby Jesus in Christmas Plays when they were little! :)
