Thursday, December 16, 2010

The 12 Days Of Christmas Movies: White Christmas

On the Eighth Day of Christmas my True Love gave to me a White Christmas DVD! Okay, really it was a VHS tape, but that doesn't rhyme with me! :) And I have a funny story that goes along with this one:
There is a famous evangelist named Rich Wilkerson who happened to be speaking at the Church we were on staff at when I found out I was pregnant with Twins at that they were girls. Many people over the years have tried to spiritualize this by asking me if he prayed over my girls. And they are surprised by my answer. No he didn't, but he started singing this funny song about sisters! I asked him if that was a real song or was he just making it up. He said indeed it is a real song and it's from the movie White Christmas! Imagine my shock! Me, who thought I knew EVERY Christmas Movie ever made & all the songs in them.

Me, carrying the "Sisters!" :0

Believe it or not, I had NEVER seen White Christmas! This classic Christmas Musical. So guess what I asked Santa for that year? And being me, who is of course, always on the Nice List, got what I asked for. And I loved the movie! Especially the Sisters Song! "How can a guy that ugly have the nerve to have sisters? Brave Parents."


Sisters, Sisters
There were never such devoted sisters

Never had to have a chaperon "No, sir"
I'm there to keep my eye on her

Caring, Sharing
Every little thing that we are wearing

When a certain gentleman arrived from Rome
She wore the dress and I stayed home

All kinds of weather
We stick together
The same in the rain or sun

Two diff'rent faces
But in tight places
We think and we act as one

Those who've seen us
Know that not a thing could come between us

Many men have tried to split us up
but no one can

Lord help the mister
who comes between me and my Sister
And Lord help the Sister
who comes between me and my man

Sisters, Sisters
My girls are teenagers now and I still watch this movie every year. Usually when I'm home alone & wrapping presents, spread out on the living room floor. Maybe I could get Zach to watch it with me if I told him it was a "war" movie! :) Soldiers who are musical, this could actually be right up his alley! "Theres no Christmas in the Army!"

And here are my girls in their own Christmas Musicals this year . . .

Erica singing with her school's Choir:

Lexi playing the Flute with her Band

One of my favorite lines from White Christmas is: "When your worried and you can't sleep, just count your blessings instead of sheep." And this movie is of course, also responsible for the best selling Christmas song of all time; Bing Crosby singing White Christmas!

"And may all your Christmases be White."

1 comment:

  1. Ran into your post about the "Sisters" song as I was looking for a photo of the Haynes sisters from the movie "White Christmas." Just thought I'd correct a mistake in your post (that many people make):

    The song "White Christmas" is not from the 1954 movie "White Christmas." It is from the 1942 movie "Holiday Inn" -- also a great one, if you've never seen it. In fact, the movie "White Christmas" was made to take advantage of the mega-hit song that "White Christmas" had become 12 years after its first appearance.
