Friday, May 20, 2011

Going Solo!

I've talked before about how important Music is schools is. To our family & MANY others. My Husband started by playing drums in the 4th grade. And continued on into College. We moved during my boys elementary school years & different states don't all offer the same, so Kyle taught himself how to drum & Zach took some piano lessons privately as a child & it wasn't until he was in Jr. High that he took his first Guitar class. And has been playing ever since. My girls started band in 5th grade. Lexi on the Flute & Erica on the French Horn. When the girls started Jr. High this year, Lexi knew she wanted to stay with band, Erica wanted to switch over to Choir. (She's our little song bird!)

Lexi had a scare toward the beginning of the school year when she lost her beloved Flute. We were heart broken thinking she might have to give up playing the instrument she loved. But she was rescued & given a new Flute! Read about it here. She went on to become first chair Flautist in her 7th grade band! We are so proud of all our kids & are thrilled they all love music! Yes, I am the ONLY family member who isn't musical! But, as I've said before EVERYONE need a Fan! :)

The girls just had their end of the school year Choir & Band concerts. And I thought I'd thought I'd share some videos! Erica's Jr. High Choir is singing Seasons of Love from the musical Rent. Erica is in the top row, about the 4th one from the left. (she had her hair up, which makes her harder to spot!) :)

And Lexi performed her very first ever Flute solo! She is playing Firework by Katy Perry, accompanied by none other than her Daddy! She brought the house down! She was nervous, but did so good! Everyone loved it! Enjoy:

And thanks for letting me brag about my girls! I'm one proud Mom!


  1. I can't believe a Pastor's daughter is playing Katy Perry on her flute!!!! You are so totally, totally wiiiccckkkkeeeeedddd!!!!!!!! Love it!!!!!!!

    She's so good, by the way! Brilliant! :)

  2. It's NEVER bragging....YOU'RE A MOM! It's your job! She did such an excellent job, and playing the flute is a very hard instrument to play. I guess it just runs in the fam....Keep it up Forbis'
