Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Me Day!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day! I sure did. I was actually supposed to work, because we had a floor set. But, my manager is taking all this week off for vacation, so told me she would work the floor set so she didn't have to use another vacation day, which gave me the day off!

"Let's go Outback tonight!"
(me & the kids)

And I had a whole day of being spoiled! :) I love my family. When I woke up in the morning my girls were making me Breakfast, which consisted of Eggs, Bacon, Toast & Pineapple. Delish! They also gave me cards they had made for me. Then we went to Church, and after, out to lunch at Outback Steak House. Yum!

Zach got me a book I've been wanting to read. Yes, I have not yet read The Help! It wasn't until I saw the Movie preview for it, that I really wanted to read it. I don't think I ever really knew what it was about before then. Better late than never right?! (Since everyone & their brother has read it already!)

Kyle got me my first pair of Toms Shoes! And they are sparkly! (Just like me!) :) If you don't know about this company, you need to. For every pair you purchase, they GIVE a pair of shoes to a child in need somewhere in the world. In third world countries so many kids can't attend school because they have no shoes to wear & therefore can't meet the dress code! Kyle has several pairs & he now has bought his Dad, his Grandma, both his sisters & now me, Toms! Check out their website here.

And of course I have to get Bath & Body Works! This new fragrance, Into The Wild, just launched. I LOVE it. And this messenger bag is so cool. Yes, it's Cheetahlicious just like me! :) Hope I'm not too old to carry a messenger bag. Oh well, I'm gonna anyway! :)

Kyle & My Mom showing off their Toms!

We celebrated Mothers Day with my mom on Easter, because she is on Vacation back in Ohio & Michigan right now. And I Hope she's having a ball! But we were able to see John's mom on Mothers Day evening! He cooked us all dinner.

John & His Mom!

Our Mothers help to shape us & make us who we are!
Hope your Mothers Day was filled with Love & Laughter too.


  1. Sounds like a great day! You are going to love The Help. The movie trailer did not do the book justice at all. I can already tell the book is so much better than the movie!

  2. I did't know about Toms shoes...thanks for the tip.
