Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer Job Update

It's been a month since my son, Zach left us to go work for the summer at Mt. Rainier National Park in Washington State, so I thought I'd give you an update as to how he's doing away from home & how we're doing without him at home . . .

He traveled for the first time alone & got there just fine. His boxes we had sent ahead of time arrived in town ahead of him, but since the lodge wasn't opened yet, they weren't going to deliver them, until the next week. Which meant he had no bedding & no winter gear & there was almost 18 feet of snow on the ground! (Today, 1 month latter, there is still 16 feet of the white powder stuff on the ground!) They provided him with bedding. But since the lodge is a half mile hike from the dorms, and he has to be at work at like 6 in the morning, this Arizona boy was cold! It was a few days until he could even see the Mountain he was living on!

He finally got his boxes, which made life more easier! (Not to mention warmer!) He is working in the Paradise Lodge, in the housekeeping dept. He, it seems is the heavy lifter! He walks up the 4 flights of stairs (there is no elevator) several times a day! Carrying bedding & laundry up & down. He deals with shipment, & stocks all the supplies & makes sure all the maids & their carts have everything they need. He's filled in for a Porter, which works the lobby, keeping the fire going & helping people with their luggage! But he likes his own job better, even though he gets tips when he does the other! :)

He has met so many people from all around the world! He loves Geography & History, so getting to talk with people from different parts of the world is a thrill for him. There is a group of students from the University of Singapore that he seems to hang out with quite a bit. On his day's off they take a shuttle down to an area of lower altitude on the mountain, that doesn't have snow, in order to hike. He has seen Foxes, Coyotes, Brown & Black Bears, all kinds of birds & deer! Says it's absolutely Beautiful there.

He has had 2 other roommates come in & get moved to other areas, his one roommate he's had since the beginning he describes as a gay man, who loves to quote Scripture. :) They had a water line break in the dorms & had to sleep in the Lodge for a few days. He liked that! :) And those of you who know Zach, know how he loves to play ping pong, and he's pretty good at it. They have a table there. He's played a lot. There are a couple people from China, who beat him pretty badly, people keep asking him why he keeps playing them, when they keep beating him? He says because they challenge him & he'll know he'll get better by playing them. And he even beats them sometimes already. I told him by the time the summer's over, he'll be Forest Gump! :)

There was a week we didn't hear from him because a storm blew in & they get no Cell Phone coverage when that happens. When the sky is clear, he can call! He will text from time to time as well, but we usually don't get them until the day after he sends them. He has taken some pictures, but doesn't have a way to upload them so we can see them. :( We are planning a trip up to see him in July. Then you know I'll be Blogging & posting pictures! I've asked him if there is anything he needs, or things he wished he'd taken with him that he didn't? He said he has everything he needs, he's glad for some of the stuff I sent with him that he thought I was crazy for making him take! (Once again, I prove Mother knows best!) :)

It's quiet around here without him. And grocery shopping is so strange since Zach is our biggest eater! I asked him if he's loosing weight with how much exercise he's getting, and his reply was "the cafeteria is all you can eat!" :) He asked about the wildfires burning in Arizona. And we try to update him on what's going on around here. Our little dog Tinkerbell, slept down stairs the entire first night he was gone. She usually waits up till the boys get home, then will come up to bed. And I think she just kept waiting for him to come home! :) We're glad he's having fun & getting this incredible experience, but we sure do miss him. I pray everyday for his safety & well being. I just don't understand why kids have to grow up & venture out on their own! I'm sure he could give me a couple of reasons! :)

1 comment:

  1. What an incredible adventure and experience for Zach! I'm glad you have been able to have some cell phone contact with him. I'm sure that's a huge relief for you. Can't wait to hear all about your trip there in July.
