Tuesday, July 19, 2011

To Read Or Not To Read?

That Is The Question . . .

I just finished reading the Hunger Games Series. Different from my usual reads, but very good. These books grab you from the get go! Right from the start you find yourself caring about the characters & you really want to know whats going to happen to them. They get pretty intense & do have violence in them, but are a love story at the same time. So after reading The Hunger Games, I knew I wanted the next Book I read to be something a little lighter. :) Decisions, decisions!

Now this next Book was something of a Dilemma for me, you see my FAVORITE BOOK OFF ALL TIME is of course, Little Women By: Louisa May Alcott! (I'm sure you are getting sick of hearing, or I mean, reading about it if you've read this Blog for any length of time now!) :)

Having said that, when I fist saw this next book, my immediate reaction was "I so have to read this book!" Then the more I thought about it, I got nervous. Would this book take something away from the magic that is Little Women? Would it ruin it for me? I couldn't let that happen! Then the Borders near my work closed & I saw the book there for 60% off. I couldn't resist! So even though I've had it for a while now, I still couldn't bring myself to read it. But, after finishing The Hunger Games series, I thought this just may be the book I need to read next. It will be good to take on Vacation with me! You know I NEVER take a vacation from reading! Except of course when I had young babies & no time to myself. But thankfully that chapter of my life is over! :) So I'm taking the plunge . . .

Like so many girls, Kelly O'Connor McNees didn't like how Little Women ended with Jo & Laurie not together. And she thought there must be a reason. So she took it upon herself to research the life of Louisa May Alcott, who never married & some would think probably never knew love. So, how could she write about it the way she did? humm. Many of her personal Journals she burned, but not all of them. And it is with those Journal entries & letters she'd written, this Author has come up with a FICTIONAL story of a summer when we know the Alcott family went to stay at an uncles home in Walpole, New Hampshire. Louisa was 22 years old, and Little Women wouldn't be published for a few years.

So, as Curiosity Killed the Cat, I started reading. And 2 things happened that helped me to know it was going to be okay! First, In the second chapter I came across this quote "she began to wrestle with the question that would trouble her all her life: Why would God give a woman talent if He meant her to be confined to the kitchen and washtub?" Oh, yeah. I'm in! :) Then the Author Tweeted me! I know it's silly, but I get as giddy as a Pre-Teen girl at a Justin Bieber concert when an Author of a book I'm reading or have read, follows me on Twitter & especially when they Tweet me! You know how I love to talk about Books! Especially if I can talk about them with the person who wrote them! How cool is that?!

So, what are you reading this summer?

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