Monday, August 8, 2011


Well, you knew this City Girl couldn't go an entire vacation climbing Mountains & touring small towns (even if it is in Twilight!) for long. The City calls to me! So we spent a day in Seattle! John & I had visited there once before, but our kids hadn't been there. So we had to correct that! After all Sleepless in Seattle is one of my all time favorite movies!

No trip to Seattle is complete without seeing the very first ever Starbucks! Or as my hubby calls it: Mecca! :) You know he loves his Starbucks!

A friend of mine named Lee Gunther, from my Teen years, who was part of the same Youth Group, now lives in the Seattle area, and like my Husband, he is now a Worship Pastor as well. We haven't seen each other in probably over 25 years. He and his lovely wife were able to come meet us downtown! It's always so much fun to reconnect with old friends! (not that he, or I, is "old" of course!) :)

There are all kinds of little shops & alley ways that give the look & feel of being in Europe. We saw all kinds of Street performers. We saw kids playing Violins, a young man playing a Sax with a sign that said saving money for Band Camp! Then we saw a pan handler with a sign that simply said: Need $ 4 Weed! (Hay, at least he was being honest!) Lexi said if we lived near hear I would so play my Flute down town! We told her as long as her sign didn't say what that guy's did! :) We saw a man playing Guitar, singing the Black Eyed Peas all while Hoola Hooping! (I'm not kidding!) There was even a full size Piano on the street! I saw a boy doing a Rubik's Cube for donations! I think I found a new Career path for Zach, he rocks the Rubik's Cube! :)

Of course we had to visit Pikes Place Market! So full of people! I love it!

Where you can watch them tossing fish!

But, the other side with the fresh Flowers smells a whole lot better! :)

And of course I made everyone stop at the spot where some scenes in Sleepless in Seattle were filmed! Love it!

We saw a young woman making Bracelets, and she had my girls names on some. You do see Erica's name but it's almost always spelled with a K. This one had a C! And once in a great while you will find Lexi's name but it ALWAYS is spelled Lexie, not how we spell it. Her full name is Alexia & you NEVER see that. Only Alexis. Well this place had it! They even had Zach spelled with an H instead of a K! But, guess what name they didn't have, that's right, no Star!

With a family full of Musicians, when visiting new cities we always look for a Hard Rock Cafe! John collects the little Guitar Pins from all the different Cities & Countries! You can read some Blog Post's from our Vacation on his Blog as well!

Then it was on to the Seattle Space Needle. View from the bottom . . .

View from the top . . .

Seattle is such a Beautiful City. It's Cool & Hip! (kind of like me! haha)

Hang Loose Seattle! If you look close at the picture below, you can see Mt. Rainier behind Zach.

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