Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Favorite Song Lyrics!

I have always loved music. Even before I fell in Love with, & married, a Musician. Before I become a Mother of four, who all turned out to be Musicians. My love affair with Music continues . . .

And as a Blogger I love the written word. Words used in different ways. Words that are Clever or Witty, that can make you think in a way you hadn't previously thought . . .
The other night as we were watching American Idol, a contestant auditioned with a song by Adele. (not very well mind you) but after they were done, I said "my favorite line in that whole song is _____!" And just like that the idea for this Blog post was birthed! That's how it usually happens for me. Random.

Through the years there have been song lyrics that have stuck with me. That have made me love a song I might not have really liked, or even an artist or band. And I'm going to share some of my all time favorite song lyrics with you.

Starting with that Adele song that I love so much:

"You know how the time flies,
Only yesterday was the time of our lives.
We were born and raised
in the summer haze.
Bound by the surprise
of our Glory Days."

(Someone Like You)

Speaking of Glory Days, how about John Cougar Melloncamp:

"Let it Rock, Let it Roll,
Let the Bible Belt come and save my Soul.
Hold on to 16 as long as you can,
changes come around real soon
make us Women and Men."

(Jack and Diane)

Too true. And I Love how The Band Perry puts it, for those of us who have lost a loved one much too soon:

"The sharp knife
of a short life."

(If I Die Young)

But as Price put it:

"Life is just a party
and parties weren't meant to last."


Whenever I am tempted to feel sorry for myself, I think of my favorite all girl Rock Band, Antigone Rising who put it best:

"I took off my Pity Party Dress
and I don't dance no more."

(Don't Look Back)

After all, as Danny Gokey put it:

"Gotta get a little life on ya,
Ain't always pretty,
Gonna get a little dirty."

(Life On Ya)

And what is it we're really looking for? Daughtry has the right answer:

"All that I'm after is a life full of Laughter,
as long as I'm Laughing with you."

(Life After You)

Well that's a start for now. Keep Singing, and I'd love to hear what are some of your all time favorite song lyrics?

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