Saturday, January 14, 2012


Yes, we are starting out the New Year at a New Church, with a New Job!
Yay! We are so excited!

John was hired at Glendale Nazarene Church, In Glendale Arizona.

It's a fun, active Church of about 500 people.

It is on the west side of Phoenix,
about an hour drive from where we live on the east side of Phoenix!

We're not moving at this time with it just being a part time position.
So for now we drive an hour each way.

The Boys also get to play with their Dad.
Kyle on Drums and Zach on Bass
(who unfortunately can't be seen in any of these pictures!)

I can not tell you how great it is to see him once again doing what he loves to do.
And what he does so well!
Leading People in Worship.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats and best of luck with the new job and new church.
