Friday, February 17, 2012

Will You Be My Valentine?

It's official. My 20 year old son, Zach, became a man. Yep, it's true, here's how it happened: He got on line & found a Florist in a small northern Arizona town, called them, to inquire if they could deliver Flowers on Valentines Day to his Sweetheart at her work. And proceeded to tell them the kind of arrangement he wanted (her favorite color is purple.) He did a pretty good job, don't you think? Yes, he has his first real Girlfriend. When he told me the flowers had been ordered, I told him Ahh, you've now become a man! :)

This is Zach & Kendra, trying to Hula Hoop together! :) She came down & spent New Years with us. Yes, Zach who has always said he will never get Married, or have a girlfriend for that matter, has succumb to love. It's been really fun & funny to watch! They are really sweet.

He also mailed her a Valentines card & filled it with Disney Princess Valentines. Who is this kid?! :) He is hoping to work like he did last Summer at a National Park, only this time he's looking, not at Mt. Rainier again, but at parks close to where Kendra lives, so they can spend a little more time together, rather than just Skyping, Texting, or talking over the phone. It's a whole new world.

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