Tuesday, April 24, 2012

We're On Your Way!

I'm excited to tell you 
I've accepted a new job! 

It's with Avila Retail Company.
They have 8 specialty shops 
inside the Phoenix International Airport! 

I will be what's called a Shift Lead,
helping to oversee the 4 stores in Terminal 4. 

I now have a Parking pass for the airport! 
That in itself is worth the job! :) 
I had to be fingerprinted to be able to go through security. 
 It's funny, the airport is really just like a Mall,
Only the customers are pulling luggage behind them. :) 
I've already seen some very interesting things at the Airport! 
I can see a new Blog Series forming! :) 

I've always loved the Airport. 
And what a fun & ever changing place to work!
If you ever find yourself at the Phoenix Airport, 
stop by one of our stores & see me. 
We're On Your Way! 


  1. Congratulations, Star! Sounds like a terrific opportunity for you and your family.

    Can't wait to see your tweets about the odd things you see at the airport.

  2. WHOO HOO! Congrats on the new J-O-B!
    You really are going to have a new adventure at the airport. Cant wait to hear about all the exciting "famous" people you will meet. And since your a blogger and all, I know you'll tackle them to the ground for a picture... :)

    I am so happy for you, Star. Best of luck and looking forward to reading all about it....Love Ya, Judy XOXOXO
