Thursday, May 24, 2012

Good Bye, Jr. High!!

 It's the last day of Jr. High School for my Beautiful Girls! 
It's been an Epic Eighth Grade year! 
With Band, Choir, Cross Country, Track, Student Ambassadors, Etc.

 Erica was part of a group of singers that sang The National Anthem. 

 They sounded great! 

Alexia receiving her Golden Scholar Award! 
You must have a 3.8 or higher GPH to be a Golden Scholar! 

Erica also.
Both Girls have straight A's this year!

Congratulations Erica & Lexi!  
We are so proud of our Girls! 
Smart, Talented, Funny & Beautiful!

And you know what comes next . . . 
High School! 
Yikes, I'm not ready! 
(Are we ever ready for our Babies to Grow Up?) 

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to believe I have a granddaughter that's going into high school too. Where did the time go??? Your girls are beautiful, smart and talented, just like their parents!!! Congratulations, you and John have done an amazing job and have every reason to be proud!!!
