Friday, May 4, 2012

Our First College Graduation!


My Oldest Son, Kyle is our first College Graduate! 
He Graduated from Western Bible College, here in Phoenix, 
with his Associate Of Arts Degree in Biblical Studies! 


His little sisters & cousin Rachel waiting for Graduation to begin! 
& of course, looking cute!) :) 


The Moment he received his Degree! 

Happy to have Graduated! 
(Or at least to be done with School for awhile!) :)

Kyle with his Friend Shane, who Graduated with his Bachelors! 
Shane is the one who got Kyle his job with the Oakland A's
and Kyle was in Shane's wedding two years ago. 
So proud of both these young men!

With his school's president, Barbara Schults 
And her husband, Dr. Ray Schulz, Jr. one of his professors! 

The lady who started it all! 
Karen Johnson was on staff with us at Mesa First,
she worked at Western Bible & got Kyle pointed in that direction! 
So glad she came to see him Graduate! 

My Bother Marty & Sister in Law Debbie
came to support their Nephew! :)

With Rachel, my Niece! 
He told her he was going to use her picture 
to tell everyone that Taylor Swift came to his Graduation! 
(nice try!) :)

With Proud little sisters: 
Lexi & Erica

With Brother Zach
who is finishing up his 2 years at Community College
& was accepted to ASU
& will be the next College Graduate!

 Family Pic! 
(Left to Right: Lexi, Me, Kyle, John, Erica & Zach)

 Proud Parents!

After Graduation we went out to Carrabba's!
They gave Kyle some free deserts to congratulate him! 

Congratulations Kyle! 
We are so proud of him and the Man he has become!
He has very exciting things happening in his future! 

Watch out World! 
Here He Comes! 

1 comment:

  1. WooHoo!!! Congratulations to Kyle and the whole Forbis family! Love you!
