Saturday, October 20, 2012

My Anniversary Surprise

October 17th was our 25 Wedding Anniversary! It fell on a Wednesday & we both had to work. :( At about 1:30 in the afternoon, I was the Greeter at the front door of the Credit Union & was helping a Member with CD rates & in walks my Husband with a dozen Red Roses & his Guitar over his shoulder! He then proceeded to Serenade me in front of the entire Credit Union, Co-workers & Customers alike! People were video taping us with their phones, and cheered for us.

An elderly man came up to John & said "Are you the Husband? I thought you were a Singing Telegram! That was Lovely!" :) And all the Women I work with told me he has to be the Best Husband in the World! And that they are gonna show their Husbands the Video & tell them "See, it doesn't just happen in the Movies!" :) It was a great Anniversary Surprise! One we will always remember. After work that evening we went out to a Great Steak Dinner!

It's Hard to Believe it's been 25 years! Can't wait to see where the next 25 take us!

1 comment:

  1. The funny thing about the question that gentleman asked is...who else would you be kissing? Not the singing telegram man!!! LOL
