Sunday, October 7, 2012

There's No Place Like Homecoming!

  My Baby Girls are High School Freshmen this year
And they just attended their first Homecoming. 

My girls love fashion & putting together outfits to wear. 
So we went dress shopping at one of our favorite places; Goodwill.
We actually went to 3 Goodwill stores in 1 day, but we found their dresses!
(And inexpensively, I might add)

 A boy that Lexi likes & has been friends with, 
who is in Marching Band with her
left a note in her band locker asking her to go to Homecoming with him. 

She texted me at work to tell me about it & that she had said yes. :)

Lexi who usually wears her hair braided or up, 
decided to wear her hair down.
And Erica, who almost always wears her hair down, put hers up.
Both looked Lovely!

Lexi & Jacob double dated with their friends Kelsey & Paul, 
going out to dinner together.
Cute Couples!
And Erica met a group of her friends for dinner before the Dance.


The girls have been friends with Kelsey since Elementary School. 

 First date! 
(Very scary for a Mother!)

"Band Geeks Unite!"
(And Erica, who isn't in Band, but is a Choir Diva instead) :)

Our first Homecoming was a success, 
They both had a great time. 
And I survived it! 


  1. They both look so beautiful!! I hope they had a wonderful time!!

  2. Oh yeah.... I'm worse today than yesterday... And the Taylor Swift song made me sit my daughter down and watch it with her so she understood the meaning.... Ugh prayers are the only thing that will get me through this business of high school. I absolutely love that note!! Hope she saves in for when she's 40 sending her daughter off to homecoming and it will bring a smile.
