Saturday, November 17, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part 2

My Daughters & I were so excited, 
the day was fast approaching! 

We bought our Tickets early! 

We watched all 4 Movies leading up to it! 

I arrived about 1 in the afternoon, got a spot in line close to the front!
(With a good book in hand of course!)
Friends & Family Members came through out the day to hang out.

Look close: there are 3 people in line behind me, sleeping under there! :) 

 My Friend & fellow Twilight fan, Angie, 
who was celebrating her Birthday, met us in line.
And brought Team Edward & Team Jacob Cupcakes! Yummy!

You can't see it since it was dark in the Theater, 
but there are 8 of us sitting together!
Then there were 6 others in another row!

Yeah, what can I say, it's a Family thing! :)

There is a shocking Twist in the Movie that is not in the Book! You wont believe it's happening. It's only later that you realize how Brilliant it was! It really is a good Movie . . . The last of the Saga.  And the Moral of the story is: Change Your Decisions, Change Your Future! 

See here, for us, How it all started! Then came the Midnight Premiers! But, it didn't stop there: oh no, We took our adventure on the road! Yes we are Twihards! :) And it continued with Breaking Dawn Part 1! It's kind of sad that its over now! It's been fun & we will always have these great memories of doing this together. Not to mention we still have The Hunger Games (& who knows what the next craze will be!) Stay tuned! :)

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