Saturday, December 1, 2012

Top 5 of 2012!

One thing you may or may not know about me is that I am a list maker! It's true, I like Lists! It's not just shopping lists, or what I want to get people for Christmas, but I actually have a  list of every Halloween Costume each of my 4 kids has worn over their entire lives! (Don't judge me!) I also have a list of every Birthday Party Theme they have had. Long before any trip I take I make a list of not just what I will pack, but each outfit I'll wear, complete with accessories!

And in the spirit of List making, I've had an idea to do on the Blog, something I'm calling Give Me Five. My Husband even made me a cute little Logo for it too! :) I thought, from time to time I would share a list of 5 of my favorite things in any number of categories, it could be my 5 Favorite books, Movies, Restaurants, Vacation spots, etc.

And as you can tell from my last Blog Post, 2012 has been an extremely hard year for us. But I try very hard (some days more successfully than others) not to dwell on the Negative. So I thought that  my Inaugural Give Me Five would be the top 5 things that have happened in 2012. Thankfully there have been some good & Really Good things amidst all the not good things that seem to keep coming our way. So, here we go . . .

1. Both my Boys have gotten, or will get, their Associates Degrees this year! They also both have good jobs. It's been an adventure watching them grow up.

2. My Girls started High School & are thriving there! They Love it & are taking Dance & Art classes, Lexi loves being a Band Geek :) And Erica is in Choir & Glee Club.

3.  I went to my 30 Year High School Reunion! My, how time flies. It's always fun to relive the good ole days!

4. We got to take a nice little Vacation to San Diego this Summer! It was a much needed get away!

5. My Amazing Husband, John & I Celebrated being Married for 25 years! And we're even still in Love!

And there you have it. Look for many more lists coming your way. Maybe someday I'll even do a Give Me Five of my top 5 favorite Give Me Fives! :)

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