Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Top Tweets of 2012!

I decided to go through all the Tweets on Twitter that I have "Favorited" throughout the year. I've picked out my Favorite ones to share with you. Hopefully it makes you smile & you find some new people you want to follow on Twitter!

Are you stuck in your story? 
Do you live today based on your story from 20 years ago? 
Your Story is Now. Start a New Story. 
Tweeted by: Hallie Thompson

Live out of your Imagination, not your History. 
(Stephen Covey) Greatest Quotes

You Only Live Once; You Might As Well Be Amusing.
 (Coco Chanel) Tweeted by; Me! :)

Common Sense is so rare these days, 
it should be classified as a Super Power! Funny One Liners

And you know how I Love my Books & to Read . . .

Home is where the Books are. The Book Maven

Born to Read, Forced to Work. 
Again, Tweeted by Myself!

Reading makes Immigrants of us all,
It takes us away from home, 
but more important, it finds homes for us everywhere. 
(Jean Rhys) The Book Maven

Think and Wonder, Wonder and Think.
(Dr. Seuss) Greatest Quotes

 2012 has been an extremely hard year for us, and some of these Tweets helped me through.

Smile, even if it's fake. 
Laugh, even if you hurt. 
Don't let anyone get to you. 
You're Beautiful regardless of what anyone says to you.

The Hardest Day at Work
is still easier than ANY day raising a Teenager! 
(From Blue Bloods) Tweeted by Yours Truly! 

Preserve your Memories, Keep them well;
What you forget, you can never Retell. 
(The Mother Daughter Book Club By: Heather Vogel Frederick)
Tweeted by: You guessed it,  Star4Laughs

Yes, I Favorite my own Tweets! What of it?! :) And one Tweeted by my own Beautiful Daughter:

What if Tomorrow all you woke up to
was what you Thanked God for Today?

Happy Tweeting, and Happy New Year! 
May 2013 be a year full of Happiness & Blessing for us all! 


  1. These are great!! I gotta follow you on twitter! Visiting from Sharefest! ;)

  2. Love these. I'm new to Twitter so I'm always happy to see what others post. New follower from SITS.

  3. These are fantastic! Stopping by from SITS. :)
