Friday, April 12, 2013

Coming Of Age

My girls went to a friends Quinceanera. For those of you who don't live in the West, a Quinceanera is to Hispanic Girls what a Bar Mitzvah is to Jewish Boys. It's a Coming Of Age celebration! When a Hispanic Girl turns 15, it marks her journey from childhood into womanhood. They have a ceremony & a big party! When my boys were younger they were in the court of a Friend of ours Quinceanera as well. (The court is kind of like a wedding party.)

My girls along with all their friends were so excited & talked about little else for months ahead of time. They got their dresses, one was given to them by my Niece who is in College now & had worn the dress to some formal in High School & the other one we picked up at a local thrift store! They looked Beautiful!

We found their cool shoes at Burlington Coat Factory. In order to get the above picture to show off their shoes, they had to stand like this . . .


They talked about how they wanted to have a Quinceanera, just like when Kyle was younger & said he wished we were Jewish so he could have a Bar Mitzvah! (He's all about the Party & the Cash!) :) If I was Tweeting this I'd Hashtag: #WhitePeoplesProblems :)

I guess there's always the Debutant Ball route, but alas, we are not a part of high society! (Now that is a Bummer!) So I guess we'll stick with the Beloved Sweet 16 Party! We threw big ones for each of the boys, where we played Volleyball & Basketball in our Churches Gym & the girls have already been coming up with ideas for theirs! They turn 16 this October. Yikes!

My Sweet 16 Party was a Surprise Party at Farrells Ice Cream Parlor! I was really surprised by my Family & all my Friends that were there! It was a fun night I will never forget!

How do you, if at all, in your Family or Culture, celebrate the ending of childhood & the beginning of adult hood? And my bigger question is how can we keep our children from growing up at all?


  1. So exciting! !! Im so stinken old! They were cute babies and now such beautiful ladies! !! I know u are a proud momma!

  2. 💗Beautiful Young Ladies 💗

  3. Awww they look so cute...and how fun! They are some pretty gals! Happy #SITSSharefest!
